The errors I made were pretty much just due to not being familiar with taking a law school exam. I really just need to be more detailed and to mention which precedents came from which cases. It took me back to math classes in a way. I could always come up with the right answer but the teacher/professor was more interested in how I arrived at that answer rather than that I solved the problem. It was a good learning experience and I feel like I'm in good shape going into the final.
The class has moved on to the subjects of death, birth and property. The cases surrounding birth for whatever reason have some concepts that are weird for me to grasp. Some of the guidelines the courts like to use seem to be almost contradictory and sometimes a justice will list out guidelines only to violate them a few paragraphs later. The professor does an excellent job of clearing up issues and the t.a. I get to work with is world class in my opinion. The t.a. is motivated, loves talking about law and genuinely gets into helping you progress through the course. I plan on asking him if hes going to be tutoring at all in the fall.
I'm meeting up with my study buddy this weekend to start banging out an outline and some flash cards for the final. I feel like with the feedback from the midterm I stand a pretty good chance of getting an 'honors' for the course. Most importantly though - I made the silly mistakes on this midterm and I get to fine tune my test taking in this course rather than making them on the fall finals and having that damage my gpa.
I should really take some pictures to insert in these posts. If anybody reads this hopefully it will give them a good idea of what they are diving into. :)
Counting how many hours I put in feels goofy and occasionally frustrating ("I read this thing how many times and that miniscule concept is all that matters? ahhh!!!"). I'm up to 120 hours from the start of the course. Only 9,880 hours to go. :)
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