Thursday, June 25, 2009

2 days

On Tuesday we had a fun ice-breaker activity that followed up lecture. Some students were picked to argue/ defend a case. We had the normal lecture followed by pizza and then the fake examination of a witness activity. It was pretty hilarious (no one know what they're doing). Occasionally the professors would object (your honor, this line of questioning is COMPLETELY irrelevant!). It was fun.

The socratic method is a bit scary and I don't think it really drives anything home other than to keep up on your reading. It is very possible to be called on and asked a question that you might not remember from the reading that we've been doing.

I turned in my brief yesterday for a T.A. to go over it. It was really terrible. We went over it in class on Tuesday and I turned it in revised on Wednesday. Today I have a very large case to brief before class. It has to do with the military, civilian courts and the vagueness doctrine.

I really need to pick up a copy of Black's Law Dictionary and just make a vocabulary bank to memorize.

Tuesday: 6 hours
Wednesday: 6.5 hours

(I'm including class time in these figures for the 10,000 hours to test the 10,000 hours to become and expert hypothesis in case anyone was wondering)

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