Friday, March 19, 2010

Is Adderall cheating?

I personally don't use it and I think using amphetamines long run is probably a pretty bad idea. It certainly won't make a person any smarter but the ability to focus continuously for hours on end is a pretty big advantage over those who don't take it. I think everyone knows people who take some sort of ADD medicine to study without having a real medicinal reason for it. Does it make the academic playing field uneven? Should it be considered cheating?


  1. It probably could be considered that, but I don't see them drug screening us like professional athletes.
    That being said, I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say there's no way I would have survived law school without it. Be it nature or nurture, I have no attention span any more. Whether that's just because I spent my childhood glued to the television and have no work ethic any more, that's for someone else to determine. All I know is: me without something to focus me = me failing out of law school.
    So I pop my pills, and I'm not at all ashamed. Except I'm going to post this anonymously.

  2. Thats clever and I like it.

    I think its cheating because it tilts the academic playing field in favor of those who can keep focus at such an intense level. That said I don't think amphetamines make anybody any smarter so as long as I study I don't feel terribly disadvantaged. Some people chug a pot of coffee, others take amphetamines. I think the latter should be restricted though and considered an honor code violation. Its discouraging to see how many people start popping pills to get ready for finals and study for 6 hours straight without eating while I toil away day after day taking breaks while my hair turns gray.

  3. It bothers me a person who takes amphetamines would have an advantage over another person of equivalent intelligence who doesn't take pills.

  4. Support your argument 1L. Think like a lawyer and support it instead of "I think......"

  5. I think this is the very first time a student has ever told me to use Google. Interesting response. Enjoy your second year and good luck with your future pursuits.

  6. Thanks. I didn't mean to come across as harsh but it's only a blog post and I'm not going to do the wikipedia [citation needed] thing for my blog from last year.

    If you're a professor from cal west (I think you are, but I haven't checked the IP) feel free to comment on anything/ ask questions.

    Hopefully the UCSD-Cal West relations are going well and thanks for reading.

  7. Wikipedia....ugh. Not an appropriate source for academic or legal writing.

    Nonetheless, keep writing. It's interesting and informative.
